Its my Code Blog

Angular2 - Unit Testing a component

April 14, 2016

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Angular2 - Components

In Angular2 Components are the way we add behaviour to new DOM elements that we add to an application whereas Directives add behaviour to existing elements. Components allow us to break down an application into smaller pieces of code that can encapsulate behaviour and functionality. This allows us to test the component separately from the rest of the application. The component that we will unit test renders a supplied club members fullname in a span tag.

Club Member Model

The club member component requires a club member to be supplied, so we will create a club member model that we can use to pass a club member as input to the component. The club member model needs two properties - a firstname and a surname - and we will also need to return function to return a fullname.

export class ClubMemberModel {

        public firstname: string = '',
        public surname: string = ''
    ) {};

    fullname() {
        return (this.firstname + ' ' + this.surname);

Club Member Model Unit Test

The club member renderer component is going to have an Input property that is in the form of a club member model. So as the club member renderer component relies on the club member model we should unit test our club member model first to ensure that it works as expected.

Firstly we need to import describe, it and expect from angular2/testing and ClubMemberModel from club-member-model.ts. Then we can test that the club member model returns firstname, surname and fullname in line with our expectations.

import {
} from 'angular2/testing';

import {ClubMemberModel} from './club-member-model';

describe('ClubMemberModel', () => {

  it('should return the correct properties', () => {

      var newClubMember = new ClubMemberModel();
      newClubMember.firstname = 'John';
      newClubMember.surname = 'Velo';

      expect(newClubMember.fullname()).toBe('John Velo');


Club Member Renderer

The club member renderer component comprises of a selector, a template and has a databound Input property of clubmember. The selector parameter is the replacement for the naming conventions that were previously in directives and works in the same fashion as a querySelector that searches for an element called club-member-renderer upon which it will instatiate itself. The template parameter is an inline template that contains span tags that wrap an angular expression which evaluates clubmember.fullname(). Finally there is a a data bound input property of clubmember which will be passed to template for evaluation.

import {Component, Input} from 'angular2/core';

    selector: 'club-member-renderer',
    template:   `<span>{{ clubmember.fullname() }}</span>`
export class ClubMemberRenderer {
    @Input() clubmember;

Club Member Renderer Unit Test

A component requires more setup than our previous model test. Intially we will have to import describe, it, expect, inject, beforeEach, beforeEachProviders and TestComponentBuilder from angular2/testing. Then next import ClubMemberRenderer from club-member-renderer.ts and ClubMemberModel from club-member-model.

Succeeding the imports is some setup for the test using the beforeEachProviders and inject functions to bootstrap the test, instantiating the component under test. Then in the test we can create asynchronously the ClubMemberRenderer component verifying that the span element it creates, will render the fullname of a club member, if passed an instance of a ClubMemberModel containing a firstname and surname.

import {
} from 'angular2/testing';

import {ClubMemberRenderer} from "./club-member-renderer";
import {ClubMemberModel} from "./club-member-model";
describe('ClubMemberRenderer: component', () => {
  let tcb;
  beforeEachProviders(() => [
  beforeEach(inject([TestComponentBuilder], _tcb => { 
      tcb = _tcb
  it('should render club member name', done => {
      tcb.createAsync(ClubMemberRenderer).then(fixture => {
          let clubMemberFixture = fixture.componentInstance, 
          element = fixture.nativeElement;
          var newClubMember = new ClubMemberModel();
          newClubMember.firstname = 'John';
          newClubMember.surname = 'Velo';
          clubMemberFixture.clubmember = newClubMember;
          fixture.detectChanges(); //trigger change detection
          expect(element.querySelector('span').innerText).toBe('John Velo');
      .catch(e =>;

Club Member Renderer in action

So how is the club member renderer used in the context of an Angular2 app? First we create an app component that imports Component and Input from angular2/core, ClubMemberModel from club-member-model and then ClubMemberRenderer from club-member-renderer. Next we declare the selector parameter of app, a template parameter which contains a element and then a directive reference to the ClubMemberRenderer component. The App class contains a variable clubMember declared as type ClubMemberModel then in the constructor clubMember is set to a new instance of ClubMemberModel comprising of a firstname and surname.

import {Component, Input} from 'angular2/core';
import {ClubMemberModel} from './club-member-model';
import {ClubMemberRenderer} from './club-member-renderer';

	selector: 'app',
	template: `<div>
	            <club-member-renderer [clubmember]="clubMember"></club-member-renderer>
	directives: [ClubMemberRenderer]
export class App {
  clubMember: ClubMemberModel;
  constructor() {
    this.clubMember = new ClubMemberModel("John", "Velo");

Plunker Links

The code for the ClubMemberRenderer unit tests are available in this plnkr and the ClubMemberRenderer in action code is available in this plnkr.

Nicholas Murray
Stuff I've learnt and stuff I like