Its my Code Blog

Testing CSS classes with Jasmine-JQuery

April 03, 2015

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If you would like to test your CSS classes with Jasmine you can use Jasmine Jquery.

jasmine-jquery provides two extensions for the Jasmine JavaScript Testing Framework:

  • a set of custom matchers for jQuery framework
  • an API for handling HTML, CSS, and JSON fixtures in your specs

Using the loadStyleFixtures or setStyleFixtures global shortcuts we can add the css we want to test either from a relative url


or append the classes directly to the document head

  setStyleFixtures('.btn-success { color: #fff; background-color: #5cb85c; border-color: #4cae4c; }');

Then load the fixtures using the loadFixtures or setFixtures global shortcuts either from a relative url


or append the fixture directly to the document body

  fixture = setFixtures('<button type="button" class="btn btn-success">Success</button>');

Then use the custom matchers to retrieve the element you would like to test against

  var successButton = fixture.find('.btn-success');

and then test against your expectation

  expect(successButton.css('color')).toEqual('rgb(255, 255, 255)');

You can see the test below working in this jsfiddle

with all tests passing

Nicholas Murray
Stuff I've learnt and stuff I like