Its my Code Blog

ES6 Let there be let

August 04, 2016

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In the beginning there was var

And var was a little bit tricky to understand. So, along came es6 with the new shiny let.

Block level scoping

In javascript the setting of a variable can be the cause of bugs due to way javascript allows the assigning of values. For example, in the code below you would think that declaring and assigning a value to a variable inside a block of code would isolate it from the rest of the code. But javascript does not have block level scoping. So, in the code below the variable messageInBottle takes its value from the second assignment and not the first.

var messageInBottle = 'Help me!';
  var messageInBottle = 'Would you like a pen pal?'; 

// output: Would you like a pen pal?

Javascript has function level scoping which encapsulates var declarations and assignments and therefore in the code below the first assignment of messageInBottle is unaffected by the second assignment.

var messageInBottle = 'Help me!';

function bottle() {
  var messageInBottle = 'Would you like a pen pal?'; 


// output: Help me!

With es6 the introduction of the let keyword introduces block level variable scoping. This allows the declaration and assignment of variables that have block level scope. Now we can see that the first messageInBottle let variable retains its value as the second messageInBottle let variable is restricted to the scope of its code block.

let messageInBottle = 'Help me!';
  let messageInBottle = 'Would you like a pen pal?'; 

// output: Help me!

Hoisted by your own petard

In the code below we would expect the output to be the range of numbers 0-9 squared but the output is in fact the number 10 repeated 10 times. This occurs due to the reference of n pointing to the value of n in the loop which has exited when it incremented to the number 10. This variable hoisting moves the declaration of the variable n out of the loop and instead to the top of the function scope.

var squares = [];

for (var n = 0; n < 10; n ++) {
   squares.push(function() {
     console.log(n * n);

squares.forEach(function(s) { 

// output:
// 10
// 10
// 10
// 10
// 10
// 10
// 10
// 10
// 10
// 10

This can be solved by using a closure which are nested functions that retain a reference to the enviroment in which they were created. The closure retains the value of n that it was passed during its creation. We now see the expected output of the range 0-9 squared.

var squares = [];

for (var n = 0; n < 10; n ++) {
   squares.push(function(i) {
     console.log(i * i);

squares.forEach(function(s) {

// output:
// 0
// 1
// 4
// 9
// 16
// 25
// 36
// 49
// 64
// 81

The newly introduced let keyword can help us gain the expected output by its ability to create a new instance of n each time the code goes through the for loop.

var squares = [];

for (let n = 0; n < 10; n ++) {
   squares.push(function() {
     console.log(n * n);

squares.forEach(function(s) {

// output:
// 0
// 1
// 4
// 9
// 16
// 25
// 36
// 49
// 64
// 81

Photo Credit: Celeste Korol via Unsplash

Nicholas Murray
Stuff I've learnt and stuff I like